Monday, April 19, 2010

Matts Bowl DIY Project

Whats wrong with a little bit of hard work before a skate session? All it takes is about 6 braces, 12 guys (on-time), and just a little bridge over the shallow end. Though everybody was pretty sketchy about the lifting it went down. A nice crew from, Scum Skateboards(Daryn), Larry Martin and some other GP shralpers, Rita and the Jacks Board House crew, (snax, bean, and friends.), new skateshop owners from GP (thanks for all the beverages!), some random guy from the bar and GPMK himself. It was a stressful 20 minutes moving the shed but it was muscled over. There was a nice crack heard in the middle of walking over the makeshift bridge but it had to be moved.
After the shed move the session and eatin' was on. One trip to the local grocery store for BBQ supplies (Thanks Rita!) and some brews we went back to Matts, fired up the BBQ, and skating started going down. Snax killed it, Bean tried 540's, Noah was going for frontside inverts and miller flips and GPMK grinded hard, real hard. The party rolled on with more trips to the beer store, listening to old records and good times.
Matts plan is to do some more DIY stuff going in where the shed was taken out. An escalator, a bank, gnarly pocket, 6 foot walls and a concrete doorway. He says its a work in progress but hopes to get a few donations to help him out. Matts Bowl has been a destination spot for Southern Oregon and pros rolling threw. Thats why he is wanting to build more to put Southern Oregon on the map. Word on the street is there is going to be a fundraiser to get money to put more crete in. We will posting any events going down at Matts Bowl so keep checking up to see whats going down around here in Southern Oregon! Thanks Matt for the good times and next time we'll try to be on time....

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